Reasons to be cheerful ABC:
1) Watching sailboats skimming the horizon
2) Maggie May by Rod Stewart
3) Wild people and wild places
4) A seven-year-old's imagination
5) Summertime
6) Huck Finn
7) Miniskirts
8) Bashing one out ..... on my drumkit
9) Portuguese fishing boats
10) Terra Cotta wine goblets
1. The Holy Trinity
2. Lourdes
3. Strawberry Daquiri
4. Large and well stocked supermarkets
5. Dalston Market on a hot sunny day
6. My brothers
7. The hinternet
8. Faure's Pavane
9. ABC tales
10. Dylan Thomas
1. Frank Zappa
2. Chrisa
3. Mattie, Franklin and Alice (the kids)
4. Alghero and most other things and places Italian
5. Tom Robbins
6. The England football team
7. Spurs
8. Good, light, real ale (at the moment the favourite is Robinsons but it changes)
9. Skiing fast downhill
10. ABCtales
1. Carrot juice
2. raw carrots
3. uncooked carrots carrots
5. the scotland football team
6. you must be kidding
8. Funnily enough dylan thomas
9. charity
10. microphones
I won't do ten, or put them in list order, but here are some very marvellous things :-
The way an apple feels when you throw it into the air and catch it in your hand.
The noise my hedgehog Bob makes when he is eating his dinner.
Getting bored on the phone at the office and putting a bulldog clip on your top lip, then it gripping far too tightly (specifically the feeling of relief when you end the call and can take it off)
The new Creme Soda cocktail in Revolution
Having small people squish up next to you on a sofa on either side
Being stroked in a romantic way with someone's elbow; a new experience to me, didn't know elbows could be such tender implements
Listening to Float On by Modest Mouse
The sequence in Delicatessen where Julie wants to entertain her new man but doesn't like how she looks in her glasses, so she carefully positions everything so that she can find it without her glasses on, only it all goes awry. And also the music where she plays the cello and he plays the saw.
The way that you sort of feel a little bit like a master pickpocket by the simple act of putting your hand in a box of After Eight mints and slipping out a full envelope...
Doing impressions of Arthur Lowe's voiceover to the old Mister Men series. "Mister Small *heh* was so small, that he slept *heh* in a match-box"
1. My wife
2. Beer
3. Curry
4. Troubles by JG Farrell
5. Walking on a beach on a windy day
6. Wales
7. Tolerance
8. Laughter
9. The Great Gatsby
10. Kurt Vonnegut
1. Chewing gum
2. The fact that my partner decided to answer me in the way that I answer her when I asked her a question and I found it hilarious. Which proves that I find my own sense of humour funny.
3. Viz
4. Tea
5. The fact that all the people that I like in the world aren't dead
6. Talecatching
7. Having a job that I like
8. Having a job full stop
9. The fact that I never have to do P.E. ever, ever again
10. The fact that sex is sometimes not about sex but sometimes it is
In no particular order:
Columbines (aquilegia) - the way the five doves pray above the petals.
The North Camel Valley - an earthly paradise.
Older writers who made it late and then hit the ground running with glittering prose: Charles Bukowski, Raymond Chandler, Penelope Fitzgerald, George Saunders.
The early visionary art of Samuel Palmer.
The lady racing commentator Alex Hammond.
Pavememnt - particularly "Brighten the Corners".
Nineties revival punk.
Aung Sang Su Kyi - rightful prime minister of Burma (she still calls it Burma, so that's good enough for me).
A bottle of port etc. with me lady.
People who are kind to me for no reason.
Children - particular ones, and then most of the others.
Shit, I hadn't intended to go soppy, and then I did on the last three.
No real order.
1. My girl Ruth telling me sordid stories of her Rock and Roll life. (The Nick Lowe motel tale is a killer).
2. My fellow students at Birkbeck (especially the Japanese meal on the last day of term and Hilary being so pissed that she ordered her main course twice!).
3. Drinking Cava in the garden with Ruth the other day under a starry sky whilst Johnny Cash sings 'Personal Jesus' on the I Tunes.
4. The scene when Al Pacino is searching for the gun behind the toilet in 'The Godfather'.
5. Buying books from the street sellers outside the NFT on the South Bank with Ruth.
6. The fountain in Russell Square.
7. Brighton Beach on a stormy Sunday morning in March and realising that it's all going to be fine.
8. My colleague Becky and her obsession with Lionel Blair.
9. The scene in Reality Bites when they all sing 'My Sharona'.
10. Scrambled eggs and the papers on a Sunday Morning in bed knowing that we have the whole day ahead of us baby.
My daughter's face whilst she's sleeping.
Both of my son's boyish humour.
My new kitten when she's purring.
The peace and quiet when I'm fishing.
My parrot when he swears.
Being inside my house when it's cold, raining or stormy outside.
Semillon Chardonnay.
The look of gratitude on my dog's face whenever anyone does anything for him.
The fact that there are still about 8 weeks until uni starts again.
1. my mum
2. when my mum's boyfriend is round
3. waking up and realising i dont have to go to school or to work!!
4. chocolate
5. getting a really nice unexpected email or text
6. somebody complimenting me.
7. my birthday, christmas, ect,
8. my bedroom, while i'm writing and listning to music.
9. finding an 'A' on an english paper. yet agian. *smiles smuggly*
10. standing on scales and finding that i haven't put on any weight!!
trees and gardens and standing stones - can't decide between them
melty ice cream
having a laugh
when cats come and sit on you of their own free will
having my hair brushed
the magic of digital cameras and finding two for one photo paper for my printer
short hair at the back of a hunky man's neck
not having to queue
that moment when you leave work on a Friday and the whole weekend is right in front of you - deep joy
fishy's book
everyone being in love
ABC tales
playing cupid and it working for a change (*looks pointedly towards skeggy*)
proper showers after three weeks of campsite trickles
and yes, cheese
Oh yes my rock.
And Bulmers cider - it grates your insides and makes your pee orange but it is the best drink in the sunshine
And going out without underwear
So many wonderful things....
Rachel - your holidays have made you naughtier if that is possible!
Mmmm...cheese. Mark hates it. I love it. Getting that delivery from neals Yard at the start of each month with the best possible British and Irish cheeses inside that make you go yum yum yum. Add it to my list.
Thank you darling! I have been in Ireland, the isle of the naughty, eating cheese and playing golf. Naughty heaven (and I had to do a coast guard rescue on a 13 year old who had broken his leg and it turned out that he was the son of the lead singer of Doctor and the Medics, which was a truly marvellous thing! I didn't think they were able to reproduce)
Rachel*sniff sniff* i'm so happy now you've done much so that i've decided you can take the place of my current number nine*sniff sniff* if you wish?
I better go i'm getting emotional.
1. Waking up in a strange bed and finding ... wait for it ... that it's the first morning of your holidays.
2. Coming home from work down the street, smelling delicious cooking and realising it's coming from your own home.
3. Wondering if you can interest your partner in a sexy interlude and realising they're already thinking that way.
4. Watching Manchester United go two goals down with only thirty seconds to play.
5. Writing something you don't think's much good and finding cherries and a nice comment on the discussion boards.
6. Seeing your grandson lift his arms to you for a hug.
7. Realising your son at the secondary modern has gained better GCSE results than most of the kids at the grammar school.
8. Finding a new author you like who's written stacks of books.
9. Going out for a curry ... in India.
10. 1 followed by 4 followed by 9 followed by a bottle of Kingfisher and 3.
Freda I put my piece on this thread and have only just looked back on it
and am so glad I did as low and behold I found you, how are you do
hope you are well and happy and getting up to all lovely things like loving
life in general xxx
Erik Satie
Fred Neil
Martin Parr
Journey to the end of the Night
travelling on your own
Rather sarcatically, I've been told to add "myself" onto this list....
Again in no good order:
Dancing with good friends and no shame.
Having an unexpected conversation with someone which goes on all night and ends with fried breakfast and overstewed tea.
Making someone laugh so hard that they double over and pull a face like a sliced apple, or having someone making me laugh that hard.
Being touched casually by someone you really really fancy but not knowing if they're doing it on purpose or not.
Red wine.
The Liar by Stephen Fry.
Having really grubby couple of days then having one amazing shower where you feel so clean that you squeak.
Roller skating in a roller rink complete with flashing lights, chart music and a wind machine... why would anyone want to be anywhere else??