Things That Drive You MAD ...

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Things That Drive You MAD ...

... for instance when people use the word "wander" when they mean "wonder" ... even in POEMS ...

*glares at marty_t*

Anonymous's picture
I'm with Liana - the aitch thing; my mate had to look up it up in a dictionary; and watch crestfallen expressions appear on the faces on the people who had been cruelly mocking him for the past ten minutes. People do think you're barmy if you insist it's "aitch"; I suppose it would be so much more logical for it to be "haitch", I mean, why isn't it? Having to pay for parking; I did it for the first time in ages recently and was shocked at the cost. A little patience, and knowledge of your city, and you don't have to bother. People, like my dad, saying "coloured" because they think it's offensive to say "black". Mindless clubber interjections: "Big up" , "Shout out" - used with complete lack of irony. Posh people who say "wicked" three times per sentence.
Allen Banks
Anonymous's picture
People who say, "I brought this cake for you and I." "For" is a preposition and requires an objective pronoun, etc, etc. "Me and John went shopping..." Is John mean? How sad. Finally, I'm with Barenib on those damn SUV things. One driver, cell phone pressed to ear, bottle of Naya in hand, cigar wiggling as he talks...could it get any worse?
Anonymous's picture
People that say "haitch" instead of "aitch. Like one of my tutors, incredibly.
Anonymous's picture
People who fold their arms gloat when they correct you for your small misgivings. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
do you mean THEN gloat ralph? or perhaps AND gloat? hmm? do you dear?
Anonymous's picture
she is an ENGLISH teacher.. its not much to ask for proper proununciation.... a maths teacher i could understand... but an english teacher?
Anonymous's picture
Oh No! I thought everyone in the U.K. said "haitch." You mean they were all winding me up? Seriously, everytime I had to spell something out loud for someone, if I didn't say "haitch," I would get these glares and smirks, often accompanies by "Do you mean 'haitch' or 'a'?" ..hmmmm..... Maybe that's a London thing?
Anonymous's picture
Were your arms folded when you thought of that response dear Fish? Liana, fair point. People who do that little inverted comma thing with their fingers drive me potty and also people who sell the Socialist Worker and really believe that a revolution can happen by selling a newspaper. Also every Regional Arts Board in the country and their jumped up funding principles and the criteria they have to meet. Oh, and me Mum. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
*looks innocently around.....wanders off....and then wonders why he was wandering...*
Anonymous's picture
"Can I help you... Sir!" "Just browsing thanks!" Eyes indicate "Cheh, loser, waster etc"
Anonymous's picture
People driving around on their own in those ridiculously huge four wheel drive things. Haven't they heard of global warming or bicycles, or do they just not care? Growl...
Willow - gettin...
Anonymous's picture
Brothers and sisters. When they decide to chuck you off the comp. at the most inconvient moments. Parents. When they get mad at you for WANTING a socail life, when both of them work and you live in the middle of no-where, therefore you need transport. Bullies. The people who make me feel bad, and yet somehow I can't hit them, even thou I can hit my bro no problemo. Thick, beautiful people. Ones like Tara, who called me disgusting in P4, yet has no more sence than a carrot if its about anything else than whats in fashion. To her fashion is the most important thing in the world. She dawdles around school in a SHORT black mini-skirt and denim jacket. Thats all I can think of at the moment. Its all people. Meh. Peace all, luv, li'l Willow
Anonymous's picture
Call centres.
Anonymous's picture
People who park their 4 wheel drive things in disabled parking spaces....... in fact any ar.sehole who does that.... and McDonalds staff who ask "would you like a drink with that". NO, IF I WANTED A FRIGGING DRINK I'D SAY SO and people who start threads which remind me of things that wind me up.
ely whitley
Anonymous's picture
Mental instability but you would say that wouldn't you what do you mean it was in the fridge all the time it went off on tuesday and I threw it out with tomorrows newspapers didn't you you know you HAVE to stop going there it'll be the death of both of us- of YOU of YOU, sorry I'm alone now.
Anonymous's picture
Policemen who believe their job is non-political. "I'm just there to serve the community!"The crack and crime levels in x-mining communities proves they serve criminal community opportunists well! And "Well we're the first you call!" "I know it's called the law!"
Anonymous's picture
Leslie Epstein.
Anonymous's picture
Thinking of the witty reply five seconds later than needed
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