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I have 571 stories published in 17 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 591169 times and 318 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 93 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

My stories

Gold cherry


The link is for Hudsonmoon's cover of Ralph's poem. https://soundcloud.com/hudsonmoon/baltimore-by-ralph In a pecan leather jacket and rose - hip...

Lunar Negotiations

From one of those days that you wouldn’t feed to a mangy, starving dog. To one of those nights where that same little dog sucks dry on a skinny old...
Gold cherry

The Worst Words

If I ask you whilst our sun drops – dripping its bleed into a brown-loathed sea what the worst words are. You will perhaps shrug your shoulders –...


From Dewsbury Moor to New Orleans, Frosty Jack, Romanian Bourbon. Filleted skunk swooned upon a breeze, all mustard lit in white urban. We rage hard...

Aberystwyth University Student Union Clubs and Societies Haiku

The vegan disco. They dance to ‘Meat is Murder’. Racism ignored.
