Tom Brown

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I have 247 stories published in 22 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 238686 times and 18 of my stories have been cherry picked.
343 of my 2,508 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 344 votes

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Tom Brown

Apart from studies in the natural sciences I am interested in languages and literature in general as well as religion. Lately I have been writing more popular general interest essays and also trying for a bit of balance with mathematics and while keeping things understandable for most people.

I am South-African born and bred. At high school I excelled in science and mathematics competitions and completed two years of mechanical engineering with very good results. That didn't work out due to ill health. I have had permanent teaching positions at Unisa and Wits.

Graduating with an MSc under WK Bartoszek (Unisa 1997) and a PhD under N Sauer (Pretoria 2006) formal interests would be in abstract analysis: Markov operators and stochastic processes; vector valued Laplace transforms applied to semigroups and families of evolution equations (empathies). It has now been quite a while since I was academically active I don't have much published. The way things have developed was beyond my control and I am very isolated.

Favourite authors are Jules Verne, HG Wells and Jack London, Shakespeare and poets William Blake and Dylan Thomas. I like adventure, science fiction and fantasy movies my all time greatest are the Narnia stories and the Lord of the Rings.

The meal best enjoyed is a breakfast of bacon eggs on toast fried chips with fresh orange juice, and for supper an ox-tail stew. I like eating out romantic. For recreation nature hikes, camping and fishing, listening to good music and reading, classics mostly, and good movies. I love dogs my best one was a Maltese poodle Freddy. I love rain and lightning thunderstorms and rainbows. As well as writing and publishing here on Abctales.

I have begun to study mathematics and its applications again, and look forward to be involved in formal research and teaching.

God is in the details of the details. God is in the timing of the timing.

My stories

A warm dream

One of my favourite dreams I have a dream of warm love and yes the glowing embers! How incredibly romantic. As in silence darkness draws near sacred...

4 Model of the Moon-Earth

We assume the Earth and the Moon are solid spheres of respective known masses as well as moments of inertia. The Moon orbit is circular and the...

1 The Moon: Science and Mystery

From the earliest times men have been fascinated by the Moon, a cold desolate beauty, calm, serene, a light for the dark, wise and knowing, a witness...

Reading prose on Abc

At the start I also wrote very long pieces. However I would now much rather submit such a piece in a number of separate distinct stories, I have...

Fishing Magic Morning

Up early still dark excited and happy we can't wait everything is ready. We wake and get up even before the early birds the empty streets very quiet...


343 of my comments have received 344 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Feels like it's about me

Posted on Tue, 17 Dec 2019

Feels like it's about me,

Cheers Richard

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Posted in Christmas is Forgiveness

1 Vote


Posted on Sun, 15 Dec 2019

Brilliant. The Prince of Peace. This hymn has to be used, and as is.

All the best hope things are well! Tom Brown

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Posted in “ A child … will be called …”

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 10 Dec 2019

Sometimes we forget the humanity and the ordinariness of the Saviour. And the beauty in simplicity and humility.

True! Keep well Richard! Tom Brown

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Posted in A Poem for Jesus

1 Vote

Beautiful words

Posted on Sun, 08 Dec 2019

Beautiful words, the gospels, the story of hope mercy and salvation! Very appropriate Rhiannon!

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Posted in Messsages

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 26 Nov 2019


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Posted in Canadian Woods

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I wish I could

Posted on Tue, 26 Nov 2019

I wish I could see this. Well then apart from the second stanza, heartbreaking. But it must be really incredible and as you say ancient wilderness. See you Richard!

A sense of wonder- Tom

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Posted in Canadian Woods

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One woman

Posted on Sat, 23 Nov 2019

One woman can bring a kingdom to its knees.

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Posted in Light of the World

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Lovely by any name!

Posted on Mon, 04 Nov 2019

Lovely by any name! It is wonderful to see such beauty in the ordinary things around us and they bring us hope. True beauty is within. You are good at this Rhiannon you should write more such little gems.

Keep well! Tom

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Posted in November Bloom

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You waken a deep longing

Posted on Tue, 05 Nov 2019

You waken a deep longing a forever yearning. The scent of the sea.

Lovely language. Thanks Richard! Keep well!

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Posted in A First Chance

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Posted on Wed, 30 Oct 2019

Courageous, if at first you don't succeed .. .. Some people say that loneliness is the sickness of our time. Richard I must say your poetry has much depth these days. Excellent.

All the best! Tom Brown

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Posted in She Sits
