Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy.

As always, many thanks to everyone for the wonderful contributions this week. 

Story of the Week goes to 'Anyone At All' by Sean McNulty. This surreal, funny, bonkers but totally enchanting tale of a place where ink flows through the landscape and you can get 'a billion copies of your appalling opus, bound in fine leather and translated into 7,247 languages' will bring a rueful smile to any writer's lips: Anyone At All | ABCtales

Poem of the Week is JupiterMoon's 'parched'. The power of the writing brought me up short when I first read it, and demanded a second reading, and a third, and several more after that. Taut and spare, it packs in explosive emotion and a wonderful use of words: parched | ABCtales

This week's Inspiration Point is here: Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales

Have a good week!