Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy.

Really, really difficult to make the choices this week. There's been humour, horror, brilliant character studies and beautiful descriptions. Thank you to everyone for some amazing stories and poems.

Story of the Week is Marandina's 'Leviathan'. I know Marandina won't mind me saying it was a close-run thing with a number of other pieces, but in the end the passion behind this, the way it captures what many people, of many differing views, are thinking and feeling, and the fact that it's genuinely scary, made it this week's Pick: Leviathan | ABCtales

Poem of the Week is Yutka's 'Conditions That Please or Displease Flowers'. It's beautifully structured, the language flows, and it speaks to what both we as writers and just as human beings can find so difficult about our surroundings: Conditions That Please or Displease Flowers | ABCtales

This week's Inspiration Point is here: Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales

Hope everyone has a good week! 


I don't mind at all.

It's a privilege to read so much high quality work at ABCTales and an honour to be singled out when there are so many brilliant writers.

The overall standard keeps rising, we all keep trying to improve and be better still. The site is the community and the community is the site. Long may it thrive.

Thank you, so much.