Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point

Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point

chosen this week by di_hard



Opening this Treasure Chest of ABCTales, again and again every reader will  be struck by the variety of gems within, all different, all of value in their own way. As ever,  too many to list, but enjoyed by this reader, so Thank You very much for posting


Some of my favourites are :

This beautiful diary entry from HarryC :

The latest installment of Jane Hyphen's very funny and thought provoking Cybermates story :

Turlough's very moving account of a soul mate found, tragically lost and a new friendship made:

And this wonderful seasonal posting from Purplehaze, her last before Christmas :

Finally, Jenny's enchanting ekphrastic poem :

After much re reading, 

Story of the Week is :

From Sean McNulty,  this genius first part of what I hope so much will be a lot more than the current two :

And Poem of the Week : This very lovely IP response from Rhiannon :


Inspiration Point is here :


Thank you so much for posting your work and comments on ABCTales, which make visiting such a welcoming and rewarding experience. I value this community you have created, and continue to create with every word you write, so much, and wish you a beautiful and very Happy Christmas!