Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point (and a couple of other things!)
Posted by Insertponceyfrenchnamehere on Fri, 10 Mar 2023
Posted by airyfairy
Firstly, just a reminder about the ABCTales Virtual Reading Night, hosted by Mark Burrow, on 1 April. If you haven't yet, please do email to reserve your place, with both your user name and real name. These events are always friendly, supportive and great fun, and it's lovely to see and hear new readers. Or just come along to be part of the audience! You can see the original announcement of the event here: A Special Announcement! | ABCtales
There's always new challenges to running this kind of site, and the latest is the question of content created soley or partly by AI chatbots. You can read about ABC's policy on this here: We Need To Talk About AI - Please Read | ABCtales It really is important that all users read this, so that everyone is clear about the issue.
And now, please spare a moment to sympathise with an ABC editor's lot. It's been a great week on the site, which makes choosing the Picks of the Week a very difficult (if rather enjoyable) task. After a great deal of thought, the Picks are as follows:
Story of the Week is donignacio's sharp and funny two-parter 'The Return of Oscaloo'. Beautifully written, it also feels disconcertingly possible:
The Return of Oscaloo (Part 1) | ABCtales
The Return of Oscaloo (Part 2) | ABCtales
Poem of the Week is Ewan's wonderfully crafted 'Thrift'. Multi-layered and intriguing, this one rewards multiple readings, each one provoking a different train of thought: Thrift | ABCtales
This week's Inspiration Point is here: Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales
Have a good week!
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