3.1.14 Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Happy New Year to you all!

It's been a year of substantial changes for ABC, ranging from a new website design to a host of outstanding new members, and we've come out of 2013 stronger and with more energy than ever before. We'll be continuing to build and promoting the website into the new year—but thanks are due to you all, because its you and your writing that makes ABCtales what it is!

At the cusp of the new year we have a couple outstanding pieces for you. Our Poem of the Week, Billy Ulysses in Crab County by Kilb50, is contemporary myth-making at work. This poem has the epic weight of Coleridge or Eliot (think The Rime of the Ancient Mariner meets Prufrock) but the grandiose is intercut with refreshing snatches of the day-to-day, dragging you along with the protagonist into the belly of the Severn Stars:


Our Story of the Week comes from a new member, Yvonne Anderson. Her ‘Remembering M’ is a superb example of the artfulness that can come out of sustained recollection—a chance mention of an old friend leads to the reconsideration of an unrequited romance. An elegant and striking piece of prose:


And, as always, an inspiration point for you all to write around. Enjoy and be sure to share if you use it!
