
What a disaster. What horrible news. At first sight, it bears the hallmark of an individual act of lunacy, and we've seen enough of those (I won't apologise for my choice of words under the circumstances), but this act is symptomatic of the level of political and social hatred that has been gripping Britain since at least the last General Election and is intensifying in the run-up to the EU Referendum. This behaviour is so out of character for the country that was home to me until last summer. The agony of it is even more stark from outside. It's time, now, for a strong and brave leader to stand up and put their neck on the line as they speak to the nation and ask everyone to "cool it", calm down, and remember what is most precious of all. Peace. It's time for community to be valued instead of division. One person springs immediately to mind. She and her family own vast tracts of the country, she claims the historical right to rule it and takes a huge salary for being Head of State in name. Well, ma'am, perhaps it's time to earn your keep. Stand up, say the right words and unite your country. Do it now.


An online candle for remembrance, what was clearly a very decent person. (((I))). Sorry. Its so sad. I cant find Words to describe.

Stephen d


Stephen d