Happiness is a warm keyboard=I live to and love to write
Posted by Penny4athought on Mon, 12 Oct 2015
Mischievous wind…playing in leaves… tapping branches on windows… howling down alleys…rattling doors…empty streets…chill air…foreboding lurks round every corner…dark clouds...moonless night...glowing eyes in Orange faces…shadow witches peek from doorways…sinister forms appear in bushes…cries of fright and squeals of delight for October’s All Hallows Eve is nearly here…
Halloween...A truly abandoning holiday… A day to be whatever you can dream and make in fabric and stuffing…A night when you believed in all things magical…and scary…An Eve full of wide eyes… and pounding hearts…and happy smiles…and bags filled with candied delight…Surrounded by your friends…unrecognizable in ghostly mummified forms, Superhero tights, Witches black robes, Cats tails and Tigers ears…moving together in packs of fearlessness.
Yes, it is October and I love when the air cools and the leaves turn golden…it always brings those memories of pumpkins carved, skeletons and ghosts hanging in windows, and wonderful feelings of childish delight…Of course the days of Trick or Treat are long over for me but I can enjoy a Jack-O- lantern...a good ghost tale…a candy apple and a piece of pumpkin pie just as much as I did then...maybe even more.
Happy with a warm brew on a cool night with moonlight touching on the shadowy treetops...seeing magic in the shadows.. and smiling at the black cat walking down the lane.
Thanks for listening
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