If you've been wondering...

...why the next episode in the 'Dead Reckoning' series hasn't appeared in the normal manner, I'm afraid it's because I've been busy being 70 (I know, I know, where does the time go to?!)

Normal service (for a septuagenarian anyway) will be resumed as soon as possible wink

I've also got an additional one-off silly story to post, coming soon (hopefully).


That one-off silly story I mentioned is here:  https://www.abctales.com/story/philwhiteland/arustlin-breeze

Happy birthday Phil - I hope you had a wonderful day


I did, thank you Claudine.  We spent the day at the Country Fair at Chatsworth!  Thanks for the birthday wishes smileyyes

Happy birthday Phil from a nearly nonagenarian.

Best, Luigi


Thank you, Luigi.  That gives me something to aim for!  smileyyes