Our side of the fam ( written earlier this afternoon)

On our side disablement abounds

The sticks the wheels the meds are offered round

The glasses, the bus passes


Lost my money in London, who knows where

One squid left - that's something here and now

In a corner shop in Bath.

I can buy a chocolate flapjack - porridge and sugar!

In fact I was three pennies short of the funds

And the  sales assistant who was younger and bigger than me

Let me away with it.


Sharing goes round...


Many of us spazzos form a crowd

Many of us slurrers and stumblers can shout out loud

'One time in twenty the Wise Guy speaks not right

One time in twenty - the Fool shines bright'*


Ten lowlifers share their dole

And pass the bottles and the Bob Marleys in plain sight of the bizzies

Bob a Job's not a slob these are our townside foraging Scouts and Guides 

'I'm no thief - I just picked it up' - the sharing world is wide.


My credit card back at my place may do me no credit

It is my choice if I share it or shred it.

Today I will owe and put it on the slate

Tomorrow it is your turn and not that long to wait.


Dear ole London town has made me turn Ginger

It's the London patter or maybe it's Devon Ninja


  So I'm glad to be safely back home

    Praise Be!


*One time in twenty* etc is a real Shanghai proverb




As Leonard Cohen said

Its true that all men are dealers

Meet me for the privae gathering by the Bridge

Now or near enough

'the stranger song'

- Leonard Cohen

And a lot of lost souls in Montreal  any many other point on and off the Planet  were searching for Suzanne in her colourful indie charity shop garb 

(this is not product placement Btw 

'First we take Manhattan - then we take Milan'  or he might have said Hungary - Leonard Cohen
