Poetry Monthly
Posted by VeraClark on Tue, 08 Nov 2016
It's been desolate on the Poetry Monthly front these last two months. I've confidence that creativity will be revived so I'm calling on members to have a crack at this month's brief and encourage writing peers to participate. If any of you have any fresh ideas for creating new poetry, please email me at raysmart@abctales.com well in advance of next month. I'm open to suggestions - a total re-vamp with new wig and heels in fact - but need to hear poetic voices at the table as this project depends on member participation.
We're off for a winter ale with Beowulf now courtesy of Canonette. 'A kenning is a highly-compressed metaphor originally used in Angle-Saxon and Norse poetry. In a kenning, an object is described with a two-word (compound) phrase, for example, 'whale-road' was used for 'sea' and 'battle-sweat' for 'blood.' Modern examples might incude 'book-worm', 'arm-candy' or 'four-eyes.' (www.literarydevices.com/kenning/)
Have a go at condensing imagery this way yourself to draft a poem as new-age or ancient as you like. Cheers, she says, raising a massive flagon full of amber stuff.
Thanks all,
Photo Credit: http://tinyurl.com/nlf6h8y
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