airyfairy's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Lots of marvellous writing on the site again this week and, of course, our first Zoom reading event! Many, many thanks to all the wonderful writers who came to read and listen - the variety of voices and material was a complete joy. And a special thank-you to Mark Burrow, who organised it all and compered on the night. One comment referred to our Poem of the Week as 'stonkingly good', and I can think of no better way to describe 'Salamander' by...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Just as we thought it was safe to come out a little bit seems as though some of us at least are going to have to retreat again. I do hope everyone out there is keeping safe and well. Don't forget our Virtual ABC Reading Night on August 27th - all details and instructions are here: Our Story of the Week is this episode from Ewan's marvellous thriller 'Mr...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

No apologies for the fact that Story of the Week is actually a series. Stephen Thom's marvellous 'Pins' goes from strength to strength. The first beautifully written part will draw you in to the story - follow the links to the subsequent parts and you'll find yourself somewhere you never expected to be: Poem of the Week is Ralph's 'Nineteen and the Mermaids'. A touch of mystery, a hint of...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Thank you again for so much wonderful writing this week. There's been some intensely personal pieces, some commentary on the world, some beautiful pieces of nature writing, some marvellous escapism. Welcome to all those who have just joined us, and to old friends who have returned. Our Story of the Week is the latest chapter of Sooz006's 'Break The Child'. This stands alone brilliantly, but if you haven't read the preceding chapters, please...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Lots of good stuff again this week and, again, lovely to see lots of new writing talent joining us. Story of the Week goes to the ninth chapter of Sooz006's series 'Break The Child'. I'm thoroughly enjoying these stories, which are so rich in characterisation, and this one, 'Melting', goes straight to the heart. Please do read the rest of them, if you haven't already: Poem...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Another marvellously creative week from ABC Talers, and lovely to welcome new members and some returning old friends. Story of the Week goes to Sean McNulty's 'We Can Do Your Weeds'. I am so enjoying this series of tales about a group of extremely Unlikely Lads, and this is one of the best so far: Poem of the Week is Catherine Poarch's joyful 'Dolphinical'. The energy, movement and...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Once again, loads of thanks to all you wonderful ABCTalers for so many splendid contributions to the site. We know from feedback how much pleasure, inspiration and support our members get from each other, and it feels especially important right now. Also delighted to see that two of our writers, Penny4athought and Laurie Avadis, have new books out: https://www.abctales...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

As you would expect from all the talent on here, we've had some great pieces reflecting on the current situation, some with sadness, some with anger, and some with humour. We have writers from all over the world, so wherever you are, I do hope that you and yours are staying safe. Please keep posting on here - on a selfish note, we will worry about you if you're not around! This week's Picks are not Covid-19 related - they're two very contrasting...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

It gets harder and harder to make these weekly picks, because there's just so much good stuff on the site at the moment. After much deliberation, Story of the Week goes to the first part of Drew Gummerson's new series 'The Aquarium'. Splendid, rambunctious writing, amazing characters and some laugh-out-loud moments. In other words, exactly what you'd expect from this author. And it comes with a splendiferous Louis Armstrong clip: https://www...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

January has certainly felt a lot less bleak with all the brilliant stuff currently being posted on ABC Tales. Lots of splendid writing to enjoy, which makes it even harder to make the week's choices. Story of the Week goes to the first chapter of Talo Segura's series about Milo. I was instantly drawn into the story and completely absorbed by the setting and the characters. Please do go on and read the other parts as well. You definitely won't be...
