Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 Two very haunting and unsettling pieces for you this week, which also have the advantage of being beautifully written. Poem of the Week is onemorething's 'The Tale of the Six Swans'. It captures the dark magic and timelessnes of the original story, giving it a new focus for our own times. It really is like reading a fairytale anew: The Tale of the Six Swans | ABCtales Story of the Week goes to Simon Barget...

Story and Poem of The Month

Our picks for the month of January, very kindly chosen by airyfairy: I’m writing this just after the latest ABC Tales Reading Event, which only proved, once again, how much talent there is on this site. Not only the writing – the readings were pretty amazing too! So of course it’s been really hard to make this month’s choices. I’ve enjoyed so many wonderful stories and poems, and in the end it came down to the ones that gripped me right from the...

Online Reading Event - Friday 4th February (7-9pm GMT)

Just a reminder that on Friday (7-9pm GMT) we are having another online reading event with a fab lineup! Readers include: Drew Gummerson, Sean McNulty, Ewan Lawrie, Jane (airyfairy), Paul (marandina), Jack O'Donnell (celticman), Little Red Hat, Rachel Deering (onemorething), Ross Lowe, Michael Lawrence (donignacio), JoAnne (Penny for a thought), and Mark Burrow. Do come along and listen, we'd love to see you there. Click here to register (...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point 29th January 2022

Another week another difficult choice. It was fun to read more of Terrence Oblong's flights of fancy particularly Midnight Mass Murder and Hudson Moon was on form with a surreal avian-narrated piece A Pigeon's Delight . However, Story of the Week goes to Mark Burrow's Weightless v2 . Choosing a Poem of the Week is often harder than choosing a story, this week is no exception. I won't list all of the quality work here, as there really was so much...

New Online Reading Event - 4th February 7pm GMT

Dear all, We are having another online reading event on Friday 4th of February from 7pm until 9pm. Please do come along and join in. It would be wonderful to have lots of readers, but it would be just as lovely to have people along as audience members too. If you do want to read, please send me an email at this address: I will put together a list ready for Mark. Mark will, very kindly, be hosting again - you need to sign up...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 ABC writers have really started the new year with a flourish. There has been some absolutely marvellous poetry, and the prose writers have been exercising their humour muscles to exceptional effect. After a lot of thought, Story of the Week goes to donignacio's 'The God of Mistakes'. It's funny, it's eminently relatable, and it explains a lot! The God of Mistakes | ABCtales Poem of the Week is '...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Final Story and Poem of the Month for 2021, very kindly chosen by Di_Hard: There have been so many fabulous pieces of writing this December, it was very difficult even narrowing the list down to 6 prose and 6 poems, and I have continually changed my mind about the final choices as they are all equally wonderful in different ways. Stories Christmas Boris is the latest instalment of Marandina's extremely funny satire on Boris Johnson, in the...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

I have been totally spoilt for choice for my very last 2021 picks - thank you so much for all the wonderful pieces you've posted this week - it's been a great pleasure to read them! My final choice for Story of the Week goes to rosaliekempthorne's wonderfully quirky 'In the Dark' and our Poem of the Week goes to onemorething for 'Mistletoe' which is a really special piece, even for her (and that's saying something). Big congratulations to both!...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

A very Merry Christmas to all our lovely ABCTalers, wherever you are and whatever you're doing and I hope 2022 brings you all something a bit less covid-y than 2021. Thank you all for your wonderful contributions this year and for the generosity you've shown towards others with your encouragement and kindness. For my final picks of the year, I've chosen The Otherworldly Visitor of Oscaloo by donignacio which was well written and very funny, and...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Hoping everyone is safe and snug with mince pies and mulled wine. Our Story of the Week is the Christmas treat of Pad Life: So Here It Is’. Our Poem of the Week is JupiterMoon’s beautiful poem ‘and when we should have felt like strangers’. Many more great things to read from this week - have been loving...
