jolono's blog

Rio At Sandown 15/2/2013

The gods have been kind and the rain has stopped falling. Todays meeting at Sandown goes ahead. Rio is in the first race at 1.20. Only seven in the field and I expect him to be around 8-1. Third or fourth favourite. Its only his second race and he's up against very strong opposition. So all we want is a good run from him and to come home safe. That said, we would love him to win! COME ON RIO!

Rio and Norway

Sandown was so wet on the 2nd Feb that all Hurdle races were cancelled so no race for Rio! We are looking at a race that may suit on the 15th also at Sandown, so fingers crossed for the weather. Norway was fantastic. Northern Lights, Ice Hotel, Dog Sledding, we crammed a lot into 5 days. Went to Tromso and Alta in the north of Norway. Would highly recommend it!

Sandown 2nd feb.

Well hes now entered in a big race at Sandown on Saturday. However, I will be in Norway! But the lads will be there cheering him on. He's up against much more experienced horses and the best I can hope for is a place. But you never know! I will try to listen to the commentary whilst away. I'll be on some kind of glacier somewhere in the middle of bloody nowhere trying to get a signal! But thats okay, looking forward to the trip. Come on Rio!

Chepstow Friday 12.50

Rio is running in his second race at Chepstow this Friday ( 18th). I will be there ( of course) along with a few pals. We are hoping for a good run from him, but a lot depends on the weather. Won't know if its on or not until Thursday. Can't wait!

The Kitchen Cupboards

I promised my wife that i would put some new kitchen cupboards up before Christmas. I let her down, time just seemed to fly be and I never got round to it. So I promised once again to get it done between Christmas and New Year. Down to B&Q early on Saturday morning and bought 2 large wall units and one small one and 5 doors. Assembled them quite easily and put them on the wall on Sunday morning. I was really pleased with myself, the job had...


Hope everyone is okay and not suffering from this dreaded virus. had it a couple of weeks ago and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Just a quick note to say Merry Christmas to one and all. For me it's a quiet Christmas day by our standards just six of us. We've had up to twenty for dinner in previous years. Boxing day will be busy as just about everyone comes to us. Just glad the West Ham game has been called off otherwise i would have had to...

A Day to Remember

Wow, what an experience. Standing in the parade ring with the trainer and the jockey. Looking at the colours that our little syndicate had designed. Hours in the pub discussing different cap colours, sleeve and body colours and designs. Agreeing then disagreeing about them. Another beer, then coming to a compromise about it all. Another beer then toasting our choice. Red cap, black shirt with a white diamond, black and white checked sleeves...

My Horse

My horse runs tomorrow for the first time. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I bought him as a two year old and he's been in training down in Devon. He's in a juvenille hurdle at Ffos las in Wales. I'll be there of course, wouldn't miss it for the world. 12.45 and he's called Rio De Sivola. Fingers crossed.

The Fear

A four part series on Channel 4 that ended last night. Best thing I've seen on TV for a very long time. A Brighton gangster is in the early stages of dementia with fatal consequence for him and his family. Peter Mullan plays Richie Bennett brilliantly and the way that his condition overtakes him is breathtaking. A must see.


Looking forward to todays racing from Cheltenham. Love to see Hunts Ball win the Paddy Power Gold Cup today, but think Grand Crus might just be too good for the rest! Can't wait for the festival in March...
