maisie's blog

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Well as you can see I'm still under a black cloud, I moved away as the landlord, bless his little cotton socks wanted to sell his flat in Norwich from far away America. Leaving me struggling to find a suitable alternative, and then my older son, who suddnely felt like his Mother should come and live closer, invited me too... So I set about struggling to find something suitable, near by, not on top of, but close enough. I couldn't find any. I was...


Changes... Perhaps you've heard of the old corny line, 'a change is as good as a rest'. Some weeks ago, I turned to examining estate agent's lists for the right small residence... Today the whole thing began to take shape - I'd selected 2, the first was a beautiful appointed bungalow on the outskirts of the city... The second a large flat close to a cathedral... When I last rented privately, you went to look, put down a small amount so they...

Leggings - Maybell’s squad!

Leggings - Maybell’s squad! Over the intervening weeks, Maybell has been working on her presentation, giving interviews and talks by radio, making sure her game is well known and played out. She has had members it seems of a public services course over to Norwich for evening work, and I do so hope that it doesn’t include the nude films, bdsm, and the dirty blankie house of 1001 pleasures…. They skulk at the bus station if I see them while...

Leggings - Harrassment continues...

In store in S..... local supermarket, a man starts shouting about someone having a poor credit history because they (and I did btw) pick up a vanilla gift visa card.... eek! lol! Somewhat surprised I watched the Supermarket Manager grab the offending neo-nazi by the ear and tell him off... I wasn't sure whether to say something or not, only he did seem to be a little below normal, and so I resisted... who wants to get down to their level? A day...

Leggings Second of second result,

Reposted here in case you miss it in the main site... The second result from this online epic book is that the research on my family - on spinal bifida which I have, and which was resolved for me by surgery, is now done, and around the world unborn babies are being saved from lives trapped in wheelchairs - locked into a silence - in a world that leaves them there. The only thing I found wrong with all of this, is the refusal of the medics...

New In, and first out...

I had a walk out today, after a week nearly of anti-biotics and rest, my legs are weak, and ache. Yet Spring is on the way, and the weather struck me as more temperate than usual and I ventured out in a linen jacket, a long (on me) gor-ray skirt, and a blue satin blouse. I finished the outfit with a blue leather bag, and a pair of blue, very feminine, court style, extra width shoes from Lotus. The Norwich store was busy, in each department, and...

Leggings - Out on a Branch.

Some days are like climbing a tree on a windy day. The branches shake, the world below trembles, your limbs refuse to co-operate. You know it's the experience of a life time, only... why don't you enjoy it? I live my life in "Interesting Times" as a passerby on the bus informed me this morning. That phrase has always fascinated me, from my earliest years here in Norfolk. Why interesting particularly, this phrase means sudden death, or starvation...

Leggings - Military Comments!

I took to my feet over the weekend, and went off to Lowestoft, In nearby Suffolk – by bus. We used to live there, and the community wasn’t always accommodating. My daughter joined the local Sea Cadets, and excelled in sailing, later went on to the dancing on Quads group at the local high school where an ex Olympic coach taught them the basics. I love the promenade there, and like to walk down it, pier to pier and think. As I was making my way...

Leggings - Simon Legree

Leggings - Simon Legree At an early age I read Uncle Tom’s Cabin, totally fascinated by the plight of the African – both at home – and in the America’s. One of my relations was reputed to be Phyllis Wheatley, the black slave girl that wrote poetry books early on. Her child was taken from her, and she died after she was freed. Today in the UK I see evidence of slavery in our local population, Simon Legree has risen here too. Early this year he...

Leggings - Extravagance!

Extravagance! for direct link: As I said before, I had an idyllic lifestyle wandering the world, visiting people who said they were my relations – and some of them were. I was considered spoilt by some, however I managed fairly well given the Bentley, the pink rolls, and Parker or Mr. Payne for company, and protection. I had not grown since the war and had stayed about the size of a regular six-...
