swindonwoody's blog

have you ever

opp is it just me or has anyone on here ever done what i just did. done some lovely writing and hit a key and opp it all gone and you can't remember it lol hint to myself and to all copy and paste and save it before you lose it like I just it . i don't know how the rest of you are but when I write, it comes from somewhere don't know where. so once i write it i won't remember it unless it's down on text somewhere lol i always call writing a craft...

never done a blog so hear goes, and i come back

hi late at night, yes it is late. but i was thinking i start my blog on here. i have been away for a while not able to write for a few months. sad events took a hold of my family. my brother passaway in may and due to the time people have to wait until you can say goodbye to a person, we did not have that until June. so no poem from me or are there song lyrics i write never very sure on that point. this a wonderfully site, we all come here to...

i am back

hi mm well yes i am back, did i leave ? no took a rest mm no , the truth been know my writing soul, just went i was thinking it would never come back but tonight it did, good job it was feeling kind of funny not having this what do i call it another being no me a hand from the spirit world my crazy mind whatever not being there;it been there since i was 12 years old' it went when your use to it being there and its gone and you looking everywhere...