
I sat at the ridge of the abyss, wondering should I risk it? should I chance it? sure it's a long drop, but there is a myth about this Abyss. Those of pure souls will gain great riches, fame and fortune, they will also fall like a feather once near the bottom. Those of Evil or tourted souls can have them clenced, purifed if they do this as well, but they must do it at a certain age, that age is 25. I always wonder why 25?? Then it came to me...Christmas, the day Jesus was born, This hole was created by ALIENS!!! and that means if I jump they are going to anal prob me. ACK! what am I to do...I know I will call upon my secret power. GO GO BLUE JAY! I turned into a blue jay and flew down took a very long time, but at last I was there. Nothing but bones, so I flew out and left. Thought to my self when iI got home. Mom always said there is a moral to every story you will tell, so the moral to this story is do not belive everything you hear as aliens do exist and will trick you, area 51 is not real it is area 68.


What does everyone think be honest, the truth hurts i made it up as i was going along though word for word so ya.