Adventure #1



A little spec of cosmic dust

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Written by Steven Baum and edited by Silvia Arberas


Mother was a lawyer, which meant she made lots of money.

Unfortunately, she didn’t think buying me videogames was such a good idea.

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Grandpa, on the other hand, thought that the Atari VCS was a healthy alternative to sitting idly watching telly.

Unfortunately, he died.



A little spec of cosmic dust (Pt.1)

Left Difficulty B, Right Difficulty A My grandfather’s last breath — or, more precisely, his last attempt to catch his breath — was expired in a most...

A little spec of cosmic dust (Pt.2)

Left Difficulty B, Right Difficulty B The ambulance came fast, but death had come faster. Along came the defibrillator, a few hundred volts vainly...

A little spec of cosmic dust (Pt.3)

Left Difficulty A, Right Difficulty A There were shiny parcels of all shapes and sizes. The first few contained clothes: a cardigan knit by Grandma,...

A little spec of cosmic dust (Pt.4—Final)

Left Difficulty A, Right Difficulty B I was a little spec of cosmic dust. A mere square from a bat’s eye view gliding down unknown lands. A kingdom,...