Clear Air

Short stories and poems



Peter Branson

No idea what to write.

Peter Branson

new Peter Branson Avery warm welcome to abctales. Just think Christmas, maby story, or poem lines.Get a picture lot's thing's on and imagination. Something you have done look at scenery add to it,you know if it's a fountain, bring in, bird's and mermaid increase it.or write twenty word's pick out best and work it like that! we did at my first writing group and homeless went. say Wedding' then camera's. car's people.Imagine go out look around.Is that any help, who am I to help you. Get scribbling pad, don't sit at it. Or a story. look foreward to see you work.good luck.or a film,your life.Interests.Word I mean is be descriptive, imagination, not a hat'what make type bring in person, describe.just be yourself.ok Peter sorry! just read your home profile I see you are well established name and published etc; Doesn't look if your stuck what to write. and anything I have put, I was thinking!by title of your's new at writing, sorry if put anything not right.Some do say writer's block though. julie x cavalcaderl (:- julie x cavalcaderl (:-