Diary of a Church Leader

The diary of a man who moves to a Christian community on a farm and is trained as a church leader.

A Holiday at Millstone Farm 1

I bought this notebook from the poundshop. It looks really beautiful. Just like you did, Kitty, the woman I was in love with in the university...

Who Shot Pastor Boris?(1)

It was Saturday night in the living room of the community house. Sally walked in. "Jezebel, Jezebel," shouted one of the young men. "What's that all...

Persecution 2

The police sergeant sat at his desk surrounded by other police officers. "I need someone to keep an eye on that homophobic cult at Piddledon Farm,"...

Persecution 1

Phil and Don sat in the Sunday morning meeting. They were newcomers to the church. They were holding hands. Don was wearing what looked like an...

Persecution 3

Thereasa sat watching a video on a big mobile phone. It was laid flat with its back on the coffee table so the voice of the preacher became sharp and...