Emotion and Beyond II
By Kristopher
My second set of poems:
The trenchant sword
Think you have won
It's just begun
Launch a barrage of viscious lies
To tax the heart and mind
Behold through muddy rivers
Flows crystal waters
Pivot a man's most enduring friend
Into his newfangled enemy
Amid stormy clouds
Seeps rays of sunlight
Devour someone's dreams
And diminish their hopes
Underneath the rest
Lies unmarred gold
How do I percieve these things?
Because I possess the truth
And today it will strike you down
Like a fine trenchant sword
You will hear my every word
The day you always feared
Has finally arrived
Surrounded by darkness at all angles
From within radiates the light of truth
Decimate the body
The soul remains untainted
Lost in a maze of deception
I will allow truth to guide me to an exit
In the midst of a nightmare
I envision a dream
The truth allows me to forsee these things
The one thing
That will never be taken from me
Is the truth
Which is forever unbending
As a mountain is immovable
So I shall carry my sword
As you continue to brace self-deception
Metaphor of emotions
How should I describe the whirlwind
Of emotions we face?
Like an anchor...
Cast into an abysmal sea
Where we must swim to the surface
In order to see clearly
A maze...
tanding in the center
Pondering over the many intricate paths
But there is only one exit
The tornado...
That suddenly roars through
Dissarraying everything
Then leaves us to pick up the pieces
Perhaps a car crash...
In a matter of a second
They can strike us hard
When we least expect it
That persistent fly...
Which continues to land
Annoying you repeatedly
And doesn't leave
A foreign language...
A subject studied rigourously
To increase our understabding
In an effort to master it
I wish...
Emotions were like a light switch
A device we flip on or off
As we so please
Ask this question
How would we experience
Life without feelings?
Would there be an experience?
The mountain won't move
This perilous tug of war must cease
My hands are burnt and weary
From grasping a rope
That must be relinquished
I have tried to supersede
An immovable mountain
My back has begun to ache
This realization is eminent
No longer can I attempt to change
Truly what is out of range
Molded into a wax
Initiated from personal fears
Which you will not leave
I extended my deepest aspirations out to you
Upon a fine silver platter
Only to receive an empty plate
Your eyes are shut
To an obscure mind
Unable to contain a troubled soul
In a brief moment
I witnessed the door ajar
As did you
Abruptly it slamned shut
So much time elapsed
Too many volatile efforts
Nonetheless I do not accept defeat
Instead an invaluable lesson is earned
I will not redeem another
Only myself for the better
A butterfly is born
As a breath of freash air soars within
Charred hands will now start to heal
As the pain starts to peel
The mountain won't move
So leave it there
Remember you are the most important individual
By realizing what can be changed
Their feet are stuck in the cement
While mine stand at the start of a journey
I can see the dark clouds have been lifted
And a flower begins to bloom
You can't change someone else
Only yourself
Tick tock/Find your sanctuary
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
That's the inevitable sound
Which brings you back to the ground
As you seek to find
Something in your mind
That is just out of reach
It's the middle of the afternoon
Off to work you will go soon
To a place of dread
time to make the bread
But you won'y be like the others
And turn to stone
You'll make it on your own
Gaze out the window
And see all the life passing by
Wish you were her?
Wish you were him?
Bet they don't haft to work today
Must be nice
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
That's the inevitable sound
Which brings you back to the ground
Co-workers will still be there in a year
This is what you fear
Turning out to be one of them
The dream is to really make it someday
Then look back and say
Nine to five
Barely kept me alive
Didn't turn to stone
I made it on my own
Bosses think they can control you
But they have no clue
To myself I will remian true
And find what I seek
Although the present may appear bleak
Out there somewhere
Lies my special place
A creative space
To be discovered
Find your sanctuary
Then turn the key
Set the chains of nine to five free
Somewhere out there a sanctuary awaits
Until then,
Tick tock tick tock tick tock.......................
Just write!!!
Just as you drive a car
From points a to b
Words are the vehicle
In which thoughts and feelings
Are conveyed to the reader
Picture a jigsaw puzzle together
In the begining all pieces are present
Yet totally disarrayed
Through patience and persistence
Evntually all parts will form the desired finish
But where will these words come from?
Within the subconscious lies a playground
Of creativity to be tapped into
]Sometimes when it's least expected
Comes our most inspirational ideas
Above all keep faith in yourself
Know that if it is meant to be
It shall be
And never put off tomorrow
What should be done now
Do not allow creativity to pass
Never let someone hinder your artistic outlet
For that would be the same
As denying your spirit a body
A gift is given for a reason
If the sun, ocean, or cup of coffee
Gives you inspiration, set it in motion
Besides that coffee poem or story
May turn out to be your best work yet
Just Write! ! !
That haunting lavender
Sebastian is gone
The spirit of Alexandra is still there
Her haunting aroma of lavender
Still lingers through the dark silent rooms
The couple did not know
what they were in for
when they rented
the old apartment
Sharon noticed first
Shadows that hoverd in corners
Noises came from nowhere
And a pungent scent of lavender
Saturated the air
Sebastian stayed busy writing
An aspiring author
His goal- to produce a bestseller
The spirit watched him from the shadows
As he worked endeless hours
Creating a literary masterpiece
The young writer could feel a suttul presecnce
ANd that intoxicating scent of lavender
Found its way into his sense of his smell
Tensions flared between Sharon and the specter
More baffling noises
Restless nights and unsettling dreams
A plae face appears on the television screen
Her favorite bookshelf collapses
Incessant scratching on the walls
Causing hair to stand erect on arms
A rival in spirit form was ever present
Someone had to go
And it just so happened upon one day
Sharon was out shopping
Warm water gushed over his face
As erotic visions of the red haired
Apparition found their way into his thoughts
The young writer began to gratify himself sexually
Until reaching an orgasm
That haunting smell of lavender
Rapidly overcame him
Yes, he knew she was watching
Six months later,
Sharon and Sebastian paretd ways
The novel became a bestseller
which led to:
Brand new house
The fancy car
A sure promising career
With a fresh perspective on life
And a pack of unopened lavender incense
That has never been lit
The book itself being based on Alexandra
Her life of wanting recognition
Yet never recieving it
Sebastian achieved after her death
What she could not accomplish in life
There always remained that desire
To revert back to the place
Where the smell of lavender bewitched him
if only one time
He had to see that house again..................
Wintertime now,
The young novelist found himself
Passing through old familiar territory
On a cool Tuesday afternoon
Sebastian gazed up to a window
In a still vacant apartment
Where it all began
Flakes of snow ascended down upon his hair and face
That haunting smell of lavender
Would never be forgotten
He could feel her peering out
At him through the old bedroom window
The apparition wandered when Sebastian would return
Beyond logic Another reality
Through the silence of the night
Echoes the soul grasping sound
Of the ethereal howling of a pack of wolves
Their song ia carried through the air
Over the tree tops to a place of forever
The full moon glows an aura of wonderment
Wolves wail to this celestial body in honor of it
Metaphorically they are attempting to connect
With ideas that lay dormant in the sunconscious
Just below the surface
Like the undisturbed stones lie comfortably
In the sand at the apex of a calm flowing river
Always there but hidden from view
What secrets lie within ourselves
Waiting for us to discover?
For in sleep the unconscious whispers to us
Shall we lay quietly and listen?
If you don't cross the bridge
You'll never know what's on the other side
If we were not meant to eat
There would be no hunger
So the subconscious must serve a purpose
Who says logic is the only reality?
I am ready to fly with the spirits of the night
Begin a quest into another realm
Of human awareness
Seeking out words and ideas
To bring back
For it is here that thoughts originate
A journey into the other side of myself
Where logic has no relevance
And imagination has no limitations
Like the pirate who prepares to unearth
A buried treasure
Okay kill the lights
Close your eyes
Plan for take-off
June, 2006
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