The Final Journals of Dr. Peter Lurneman

A series of botanical journals recovered from Dr. Peter Lurneman's expedition to the Gran Chaco.

The Final Journals of Dr. Peter Lurneman (Journal I)

Editors’ note: After several months of debate we have decided to publish the succeeding text, a reproduction of the final field journals of Dr. Peter...

The Final Journals of Dr. Peter Lurneman (Journal II)

II.I Acacia falcata — Sabah, Malaysia: growth rate 1.2 inches/day. Bambusa Vulgaris — Burma: growth rate up to 3 ft/day. Both greatly overshadowed by...

The Final Journals of Dr. Peter Lurneman (Journal III)

III.I I felt much better this morning, but still somewhat disoriented. It is as if my perceptions are overdetermined. Each of my senses is greatly...

The Final Journals of Dr. Peter Lurneman (Journal IV)

IV.I I can use the words, now. I had to work through two notebooks before I could move through the world again. Or rather it is the world that moves...