Glad Tidings

My observations and collaborations' - received through the kindness of freedom.

Jelly Fish
Looking like liquid solidified – the squidgy, purple tidge, squiggly lines
There is no base
Stranded on a huge sea line
Mushrooming on the top – reflecting the tiniest of particles back to the sea
Up to the sky
Strangely the pink of your tongue tingles on sight
Lust rises from your stomach and you bat eyelids at the thought of Octopus, Calamari and squid
Sea salted wind stings you
That scratch from someone of someone of someone’s told you not to itch
A tentacle – misplaced, misshaped it’s environment a pebbled filled bed
Denting cruelly into flesh
Still transparently displayed
The fishes cushion
Majestically washed ashore.

Friday November the 18th 2011


Poetry Entry Super Woman/s A small hut and gale force winds A man servant mannequin Dolls house extraordinaire No twitters, no guns A hide from the snotty nosed and lesser minded A treatment for those with sycophantic fantasy's Play out against my legacy's A small grace over tides of insults Prawn sandwiches in small glasses With runny mayonnaise asunder As I chew, my wish is to your sky deaths You plunder Miss Aisha Johnson