Please Do Not Feed The Animals

"The problem was the same for all the beasts. It wasn’t just that things weren’t what they used to be. It was rather that they were not what they used to be. Lions weren’t as proud. Monkeys had lost the talent for imitation. Tigers had become dis-spirited." Welcome to the republic of beasts, a place (some might say) that bears a curious resemblance to the world of men. Meet Simon, a late middle-aged chimpanzee and morally compromised self-help guru. Find out if the heron, who remains perfectly still and never says anything at the beasts’ assembly, is really as wise as commonly supposed. Discover the pleasures of beastly popular music with the avant-garde rodent rock group The Band with No Name. Learn about Humanology, the name beasts give to the science that attempts to understand humans. Meet Jonathan the grass snake, a serpent undergoing an existential crisis. Find out what happened when the captive humans escaped from their cages at the zoo. Follow Clarence the horse, Marie-France the hen and Lewis the peacock as they as they puzzle over the nature of events in the world of beasts.