The Story of Urzenna

A fairy tale/myth type story


The Story Of URZENNA – Part 1

Urzenna’s father, King Haminid, had spent six long years searching for the invisible sword called The Kalex, a weapon of enormous mystical power, fallen from the armory of heaven.

The story of URZENNA – Part 2

The death of Kalimed meant that Urzenna, the younger of Haminids two sons was now the next in line to the throne.

The Story Of URZENNA – Part 3

Hidden under the shining skin of Lake Elama there once was a secret cathedral, lit by glowing anemones and built from pink coral and polished shell with half of a gigantic polished pearl for a cathedr

The Story of URZENNA – Part 4

Many miles by many moons they rode, Urzenna and the priests, until they came to the swamplands of Aghash and were suddenly embraced by a strange black fog which blinded them completely.

The Story of URZENNA – Part 5

Now, into the petrified forest they rode on nine white horses, with two riderless horses behind them and Kenrya, the songthrush, flapping beside them, to face the towering terror of old mother death,

The Story of URZENNA – part 6

Only one more obstacle stood between them and the garden of Angels but what an obstacle it was; the evil red desert of Dragoom; six hundred merciless miles of arid earth and scorching sun.

The Story Of URZENNA – Part 7

“It will be a long way going home”, said the priest Elohan, “And without your moving mountain Kalem, a much slower journey”.

The story of URZENNA – Part 8

Few within the king’s army, court or household shared Haminid’s confidence that they would defeat the army of Urzenna.