Wasabi Pea's journal

Hi! I Wasabi Pea. That not my real name. Me newly minted U.S. style hobo.

I come here in seeking friendly people to hold meaningful relation with, Not cheap pick-up from homeland market place grind house and Pea Plant worker picnics.'

Wasaaabi Peas are best food I know. That why me take it for my hobo name. I already got an angel too.
So don't be too hard on this Pea or you get some more Wasabi sauce.

I got to do wash. Later Gater.


Hi, This Wasabi Pea here. I got to explain why put up Hedgehog Pimpin' here. It was on the basis to be a visual impression from a right-on picture of a cartoon hedgehog jiving in front of his cotton patch. Picture got ethered before I could post and damn public domain shit impossible to refind.


Cotton-pickin Hedgehog Pimpin

So, I am sitting here online in the local library, and this guy wants to 'know' "What is so darn funny?" He then says that I 'look at naked men' and ought to take medication.