Statistics - maddan
This is the best thing I've read in ages, truly. It grabs you from the minute you start and stays interesting right to the end. Lovely, original descriptions. Funny, considerate thoughts. Realistic, witty, dialogue. I could go on...
My favourite bits include the really excellent rythmic bits when describing places using the word 'was' - such as:
'Richmond was money, was intimidating stares from immaculate attendants in fashionable shops, was a wide river and narrow embankment, was pleasant and gentile pubs, was sulky posh girls, was giggling schoolgirls, was impossibly thin Chinese girls, was girls so pretty it hurt right in the gut, was cricket on the green, was large townhouses, was the residual hangover of monarchy.'
Also, the mix of pathos and humour and worry is spot on:
'All cake is good cake.'
'That,' said Alice, 'is the smartest thing you've since I met you.'
Cake, thought Myers, and something shifted within his head. It was so stupid really, so trite, that he could only express it in clichéd platitudes. Life goes on, he thought, and he realised that it had nothing to do with George Mermin, and nothing to with him, and even less to do with his ex-girlfriend, but it had everything to do with the shark. The shark was hungry, and now, so was he. Myers finished his drink, and went with Alice.
Dan - if there is one thing you DON'T do in this piece is clichéd platitudes. I really loved it.
Everyone else - Read it!