Prat Culture by Macjoyce

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Prat Culture by Macjoyce

MacJoyce has done the right thing and answered the anti-Biggus brigade (myself included) in the best possible way!
Lots of Good Things are said in this poem, and I even agree with some of them. In terms of the writing itself, parts of it get a good rhythm going but there are many other parts which are untidy and badly-written.

You can definitely see the momentum building with the rhymes becoming denser and I agree about the rhythm. The sudden lengthening of the lines comes a bit abruptly, though, and I'd watch Rik-from-the-Young-Ones-bordering phrases like "pseudo-intellectual". It might undermine what is an intelligent point being made. b x PS: Hehe...dingo jism...hehe.

"I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

I'm sympathetic to class-based left-wing nationalism and agree that some of what's called political correctness is a label for the excluding of large groups of people and serious but uncomfortable arguments from mainstream political debate. I get that from Prat Culture, I think Biggus is saying some very different things and poetically he doesn't even inhabit the same universe as Macjoyce. I think this is a fantastic poem.


I love the rhythm of this piece, and especially the language play with all the ism's. I also just wanted to say thank you for writing this. You brought up a growing inequality problem, as well is this worlds growing obsession with political correctioness that is being ignored, and you did it in such a way, that I imagine a great many people would listen. Plus you made it okay to be angry.
*applauds* - it got better i think. hard hitting, brilliant writing - and you put dingo jism in a poem - i am in awe Mr Macjoyce - ld


*shh* i am quietly here - reading - i tend to keep my mouth shut, here, and over there too, i guess, or i would get myself often into tricky trouble i think - and on pay as i go internet, trouble is too expensive at present ;o) Still, i have got to wonder about your 'enemy' in your poems on this theme, or who your anger is directed towards. Although 'their' qualities i can recognise - and dislike - i could be/have been observed/accused of being much that is of the type that you criticise - and so i think about 'divide and rule' and wonder while angriness is good and you use it/express it so well - i think there is more yet to be done with your angriness and opening eyes - because the twats that you say you 'hate' - are just delluded, bought, Prat culture prats, who need to wake up a bit and hear voices and the ideas you express. You have the skill to speak so 'they' , we, us, them, understand you and themselves and see more of how it's all going down - and as i believe you explore important ideas that are being marginalised by PCness, i want it to be heard, and not fester, not squashed, not misunderstood. So i look forward to more more more - and may prat culture wake up to itself smartish :o) - meanwhile, sitting above all of this is where i'd be pointing, and i can see 'they' are smiling back as 'we ' all too often set against each other - divide and rule. ( i'm an old fashioned Marxist type sometimes - in which case - the M/class don't really exist, right?? ;O) Anyhoo - time's up - what did i say? xxldx


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