www.roots2life.com Homeless Help Site in Wales
This site is aimed at those of you who are in some way affected by homelessness, substance misuse or been emotionally harmed by the atrocious care system this country brings parentless kids up in. By using the links which are on this site, I hope it will help you in some way make life a little more easier. If you read up on the legislation and the duty the councils have towards you, it will give you a good understanding of your rights! So many local authorites turn away people who are in entitled to assitance, just so they can save money. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me on the address in the contact section. This site is still under development and will be changing constantly, bringing you the latest up to date news. I promise to keep it raw and on the level.
There is also a homeless poetry section on here, where you can submit any poems you may have wrote about homelessness. I also intend to have a message board, where you can bring up issues or leave a message for someone you may wish to find or contact.
Any ideas, links and suggestions are welcome for improvement of this site.
The Mission Statement!
"To preserve and improve human life."