Bangra laughs

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Bangra laughs

'In a humorous, totally British response, some Sikhs have started wearing stickers on their rucksacks and bags bearing the legend: "Don't freak, I'm a Sikh." '

Funny or really depressing?

I think it's funny and depressing in equal parts. The whole thing with the terrorism at present is that it doesn't have specific strategic aims in the traditional sense. The aim is to precipitate a crisis by enforcing and widing the gap between british muslims and everyone else, along the faultlines that already exist. The dual purpose is therefore to provoke a response of suspicion of british muslims in the rest of the population and to provoke the government into taking measures that seem either repressive or prejudicial in regards to british muslims. This then underlines the feeling of seperateness that some british muslims feel and plays into the hands of the rhetoric of some strands of extreme belief or conviction. It's like >'we told you that they didn't like you, and they had no respect for your values, and that they descriminate based on your faith. See, you don't have anything in common with anyone else here, except for us, we understand because we are TRUE muslims, not like those who collaborate with the forces of repression'. This is why the above is sad, because it shows the wider problem of putting people at arms length and saying 'we have nothing in common with these people, who YOU all believe to be mad bombers'. I feel that we have to resist the urge to play ourselves into the roles that these extremists have created by further alienating people who already feel pretty alienated and marginalised. It is funny on an individual level, though.


To me it's funny. The sad thing is that some people still think multiculturalism is a good idea. No, it's a bad idea--started off that way and remains so. Suicide bombing is not an acceptable form of cultural diversity no matter what excuse they use to justify it.
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