Home Read Write Forums Blogs Prisoner X 2 posts / 0 new Topic locked Last post Thu, 2006-01-05 19:50 #1 daron316 Prisoner X Would love to hear anyones comments on Prisoner X. Hoping to find an agent for it soon! Thu, 2006-01-05 21:57 (Reply to #1) #2 daron316 yes have been busy reading. Its good to see so many varieties of work and some of the stories are great. Not sure how i tell everyone what i think of their work though as cant find any links to! the don Topic locked
Prisoner X 2 posts / 0 new Topic locked Last post Thu, 2006-01-05 19:50 #1 daron316 Prisoner X Would love to hear anyones comments on Prisoner X. Hoping to find an agent for it soon! Thu, 2006-01-05 21:57 (Reply to #1) #2 daron316 yes have been busy reading. Its good to see so many varieties of work and some of the stories are great. Not sure how i tell everyone what i think of their work though as cant find any links to! the don Topic locked
the don