So why are you here?
Reading through the various discussions going on here I get the feeling that everyone has a different reason for displaying their literary limits to a critical audience but no one actually gives their reasons. Obviously a percentage feel they are talented and want others to tell them so, some are burning with desire to be heralded as the saviour of modern poetry and some think it's a short cut to fame and fortune. But what about the other five percent? (Ok, that last bit was just my cynical sense of humour escaping for a second). Make that seventyfive percent. It would be interesting to hear why contributors actually contribute, what percentage of their output they allow us to see and why they write in the first place.
I suppose I can hardly expect anybody to volunteer to be the first to come clean so in the interests of what may prove to be an interesting discussion and soul-baring excercise I offer myself for sacrifice.
Firstly I would like to emphasise that I don't see myself as a 'writer' in the generally accepted sense of the word so perhaps I'm a bit of an imposter here on false pretences. Coming to my contributions to the site I have to say that everything I have written (discounting form filling and shopping lists) is actually up for abuse, all two of them. Written sixteen years apart they are the product of extreme stress brought about by the failure of personal relationships that I had hoped were indestructible. I have, and could, only write when my pain threshold has been exceeded, the last time almost to the point of suicide. Adrenalin was surging through my body at near toxic levels for weeks and writing was part of my healing process. Under normal stress free conditions I couldn't write my name and address. My reason for submitting the poems was, in a way I suppose, an appeal for understanding and caring from people who don't know me but maybe, might understand what I had been going through. So, that is why and how I came to be here, reading back over it I fear I may not attract too many replies to this thread, also it seems it might have been better to have looked for a psychoanalysis site! Perhaps I'm in a worse state than I thought.