Reading on screen
Fri, 2001-07-06 18:54
Reading on screen
Am I on my own, or do others have difficulty reading large amounts of text on screen? The only way I can handle it in comfort is to print it out.
Perhaps it's because my eyes were made before screens were invented and the two aren't compatable!
dear fecky
is it because you are trying to knit at the same time?
perhaps you need bifocals
x x x
*cue eerie music*
you are not alone fecky.
I often get bored with particularly long stories on this site and often don't finish them. I think it is the constant scrolling that does your eyes in. With pieces that I really did want to read I have printed them off.
The last of these was Eric Swanepoel's essay on globalisation and free trade. (six and a half bloody pages of small print!)
Do you take orders fecky?
I would particularly like a crotched pair of underpants please in St George colours ready for March next year.
Any chance of getting them done for next saturday?
alternatively you could leave out the crotch and crochet them instead.
robert would like a pair in stars and stripes please.
Do you also do corsets in Cloggy colours? Sprog would be delighted to receive crocheted boxers in bold and bright tones, I'm sure.
Do the same as Fecky (apart from the basket weaving) and agree with Stormy - the ol' peepers ain't wot they used to be afore partaking of all them mind blowing/distorting/disoritentating naughty substances wot I indulged in before I knew better - so, you see, perhaps Mr. Clarke has a valid point?
I, too, have difficulty with large amounts of sex on screen. The only way I can handle it in comfort is to use a crocheted mitten.
OOOOOOwaaa I remember when this internet was all feilds
You young scally-wags.
But yeah fecky, long threads do my head in as well.
Have you got a magnification thing on your comp?
I know I have some where, might help