Dubya Joins Greenpeace.
There that got your attention.
Good ol' boy Dubya has finally come onboard with the save the planet brigade. No he's not quite joined Greenpeace heaven forfend, but he does have a scheme for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. He's going to keep his mouth shut? No. His proposal would be to get smaller trucks - to achieve better fuel economy than larger trucks. Eh? Run that by me again! He wants smaller trucks to get better mileage than larger trucks. Doesn't that happen already? Oh, SUVs and Humvees (Oh I'd love to own one for a week) are exempt from this new requirement. Mind you Wubya's idea has been laughed at by a scientific group The Union of Concerned Scientists (dontcha just love 'em already?) said that the miniscule change would be the equivalent of saving a months supply of petrol over15 years. Doh!