Snow by Camilla

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Snow by Camilla

This little poem...had i seen it in late Feb, I probably would've looked no futher than the title, but as it is, its mid-dec and I'm not yet sick of the i read it and i liked it.

I'm not sure if light and fluffy snow "crunches," but who cares - it works well enough for me.

I wasn't sure about this... if only because of some of the imagery... such as icing sugar, and the word sparkle or cruch... it is very hard to write about snow in new ways... but I do quite like the end bit, and ' 'for a bit of toboggan' made me smile.
crunch, I mean.
Im not sure about it either. wish one could work on something in private on here as one used to be able to.I was too idle to find a piece of paper to work on it first. Im sick of green and have wish for a good dollop of real winter.I re read Troika a poem on here. Now there is a good snow poem.


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