self harm in the uk-

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self harm in the uk-

three test cases.

The uk nhs are setting yup sar self harm rooms. it is illegal under interantional and Euroepan law. Teh directiors of uk nhs can eb arrested immediatly. it is illegala s what in fact they are doing is inciting peopel to seriesly assult themselfs. They are already sick yet when enetering hospitals they are being enticed to injure ther bodies. The charge in the hauge can range from inducing series assult to attenmtpted murder.

In glasgow. Starcthclyde police are arrseting people for self harm under a context of breach of the peace, which they done to me. It is illegal under euroepan and interantional law. The senior offcier of startchlcyde police can be indited in to hauge courts.

Ina scottish exceutive funded building called turning point in glagsow city center people whos elf harm are told to do so ina safe room yet stratchclde polcie are arrseting people and takign them to court. One of the two is wrong

Either strathclyde police

or the scottish executive

what the are doing just now int he UK is highly illegal. nhs directors can be arrested and indited in to the huage for allwoing members of staff to entice people to seriesly assult themselfs. It is illegal no matter what they say and this kind fo health servcie sholds no room ont he uk isles.


Glasgow city council homeless workers ont he mental health side are tellign people whos elf harm that they come in contact with that it is fine to cut and burn there bodies. This is illegal and they can be arrested under interantional and european law for soliciting series assults and attemtped murder. Teh director of glagsow city council can be arrested for solitciting series assult and attemtped muredr.

Soon i will becoem fugitive of the law and seek refuge ina country untocuhed by scottish jutsice. Plesae help have five years of charges brought by glasgow polcie offciers whioch arerealted to what have i just said. These poepel were soliciting me at the tiem to cut an dburn my body. I eventuallylhad over 300 cuts and burns on ym body and face.

now on uk soil. If youa re a euroepan or americna lawyer please study what i am saying.

This si what it came to. overworked abusive director sont he uk mainland let staff make decisions which if mr blair had looked closely at are illegal. Instaed of addvocting groups opena nd gettign peopel out of self harm. T?he uk goveremnt made fatal decision to stand behind procedures which contravene the geneva convention international and euroepan law and most probably british law, which the high courts in london would probably agree with. It is illegal what they are doing in that english hospital. Instaed of promoting and inticing people in to self harm in various british councils these poepleshoudl eb bringin people like myself in to talk abotu which servcies to set up.


no matter what they say it is illegal. If some sick adult wants to cut themselfs this si not ilegal for paid professional to tell them to do so is. When they used to tell em to do this i wanted to throw up i thought what theyw ere doign was akin to professional mansluaghter. iw anted to eb told of how not to cut myself not to be told by soemone who is paid 20 k but probably too overworked under british law to tell me 'on you go its fine to cut an dburn your body'. These people are apid slarys to stop people doign this. self harm is an illness. You cant cut and burn your body and be healhy. Understand this and understand the last five eyars of cirminal convictions agaiants me and understand what happened around these convictions and what is still on-going around these convictions shoudl be brought to the attention of humanr ighst groups imemdiatly. It is illegal dont let these peopel try and explain it is legal. it is not. They are enticing peopel who alreayd suffer pysocligcial problems at the time to seriesly injure themsefls. Thsi juts now puts blair up with soem of the wrots human righst abuesr in history.


and what happens when they leave the hospital or turning point glasgow and one ngith they cut themselfs aftrer beign told it is ok by these over workes and then die


It's illegal for under 16's to have sex but they are still given condoms and the morning after pill. There is a logic to it. I had a similar argument in a poxy US forum last year when a moderator decided to launch a "cutting" forum and asked kids to come along and tell everyone their "cutting stories." It was repugnant to witness because the community began to fuel kid's egos and some of the poor sods became worse because they had this web-vent for their activities. If people want to cut then noone is going to stop them. The least they should receive is information about hygeine/post-cut care info. This helps people - I'm afraid that telling them that it's illegal isn't going to do anyone any good!

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

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