Palace of wisdom best kebab pizza
Fri, 2006-05-12 09:56
Palace of wisdom best kebab pizza
Kebabs are go!
I read this aloud and I enjoyed myself too much.
Tim you are really nailing that mix of high and low culture ting.
Case in point: "Mind forg'd mammaries." Both a fine Blakeism and the posh word for tits. Guilt-free laughter abounds!
I loved:
"O Cruelty has a Human Heart
And Rose, a sunken Bovine Face "
You gonna perform this at Hay? Tis deeply appropriate, sir.
Nice one.
Hey Joe - thanks for the flag. Umm... yeah, I was thinking of doing this one at Hay. It's one of those poems you can see has a very specific audience. I was toying with the idea of reading it in the voice of a pissed aristocrat. Which of course is how I read any poem.