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I am so amazed that my poem ""fragments" elicited such an attack!
Actually, fragments is a poem of absolute love as some love can be absolute.
fragments was written after a lengthy recovery . it truly amazes me how we as hiumans take such simple things as walking and the ability to have someone love you through the worst of it all for granted.Once, during the agony in pain from a severe back injury, I let go, and passed through a light... call it what you may...In the end of it all when I chose life, one must remember. In death the ego is completely stripped from the soul. The ego, leftboy, is the part of us that lies to ourselves, our vanities and other people everyday.
The ego creates the personality, not the creativity. Once the ego is gone, the final judge is our "selves' stripped of the ego. There is a power whether one wants to call it god or pure mathematics. And fortunately for some and unfortunately for others, the soul has the inability to lie.
facing god or the essence as one may call it is words without words, sound without sound.
Too complicated for some?
Perhaps...but we all arrive at the same stopping point after we die.

I am sorry... I have no idea what you are talking about. I searched this forum to see... but no. ?
Apparently there was a discussion soem time ago about one of my poems "fragments". it was interesting. Actually I had just discovered the discussiion by someone named leftboy(odd name) about the poem. So i felt I neede to respond as one must. If you also are a poet, remember, rothkos was scoffed at and tomatoes were thrown at picasso's work in paris when he first exhibited.


oh I see. So you are just trying to revive the discussion? I dont recall it.
yes i was trying to revive it. Fragments is about the synergy and the chaos that love and life create, that somehow through the pretensions, there is always one solid moment that is absolute and pure. And when that momnet happens and it does to each one of us, the moment is ours and it seems to be relief a meadow as you will in the chaos of pretensions we act out everyday whether it be at work or in the cafe or amongst our peers.


a meadow as you will?
a meadow, a metaphor for that one moment one surprisingly finds oneself in. It is that deep breath, or that great sigh that one makes after working all day and dealing with the pressures of life and schedules, etc. It is like climbing a mountain\ and surprisingly amongst all the rock one finds a finds that one pure moment, that one love that exists just becasue it exists and for no other reason. All of life is a game we all play. We all just run in circles. It is like being on a treadmill and running for hours. You think you have gone far, but on second look, you have gone nowhere. A meadow is also a metaphor for the choice that we know in our heart was the right one. And having gone through a near death experience, one sees that the judge in the end is our selves. We are our harshest judge. God, in death, does not judgeus, We judge our own life. Stripped of the ego, the self is the harshest judge.


Please stop typing.
I was intrigued by this, so I've looked at Fragments myself. I've read it through several times. I couldn't extract from it the meaning you meant it to have, Jvriesema. That may be my problem, not yours - though it seems clear that you feel it should 'communicate' to others. I don't know what Leftboy said about it - you haven't mentioned the details of his criticism. In the end, however good we feel our writing is, not everyone's going to like it. I think we have to accept that. Maybe, too, we have to accept that what we as individual writers define as 'meaning' (through use of particular language, imagery, etc) isn't necessarily 'meaning' for anyone else.
Google ads: Poems on Friendships Love Friends Finding Love Online Love People All good art transcends the ego. The ego is essential for all good art. I just made that up. :) :) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

i also am an artist. i do alot of abstract work. The swollen ego is not especially great for your painting. it only keeps your work in a rut. Also, spack , as you say, some may not like MY work, which is fine because others do. But some may not like your work either which should be fine by you also, And once again, Rothko hangs in a museum and most people hated his work also. But there his work is, in a museum. And typing is free speech.


I've just gone back four months looking for the thread that caused the hoo hah, and I cant find it. Four months! Someone needs to get a life. Not sure if its jvriesema or me...
This one I assume, from January (google is your friend)


Quite liked it (fragments that is). read quickly without too harsh a glance at structure it's a very lucid piece. I can understand why you were a little upset by the topic. I mean, it's not atall that bad (the poem) and the initiator was a bit retarded. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Thought Leftboy's comments were okay. Sounded like he was more constructive than Edgar, anyway; quite defending of the poem, in fact. If someone likened a poem of mine to something by the Velvets, I'd be well chuffed.
Leftboy made some sensible constructive comments about this poem. It has some nice images but doesn't really work as an overall piece. Not too complicated just poorly executed. That said, the original thread arose from criticism that was both unconstructive and way over the top. There's far worse poems on here that Fragments. In fact, I'd rate it in the better 50%.


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