carnival day by Ian Hobson
Tue, 2007-02-13 10:39
carnival day by Ian Hobson
This is lke some middle-england sitcom which doesn't sound like a recommendation but i really liked its gentle humour, never overplayed.
The image of these bizarrely dressed characters cramped in their car with an excitable dog, smelly cheese and a crate of Wilbur Smith books gave me the first smile of the day.
Cheers Ian.
Yes, it was fun - very much like a sitcom.
I liked the Amnesty International line.
I'm glad to say that Ian's beginning to garner a good reputation on this site. (I had him bookmarked before the upgrade, but that feature's now gone). This represents a bit of a departure, I feel: the familiar horror/thriller elements of Ian's writing have been played down, leaving something more mature in its place. Good stuff.
Thanks, guys, it’s nice to hear when someone has enjoyed a story. I wrote Carnival Day for one of those competitions where they give you a first line of a story and leave you to work out what to do with it. ggggareth, I hope your stutter gets better soon.
Guiseley, UK
It's not a stutter, I just can't type!