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I am ploughing ahead with my Book One again, and have already started on chapter eight. My main prob are typos, but i try to have somene read through beforehand.

However, as the one writing it, i find it rather hard to know what is in need of improving, so as readers, has anyone got any suggests or opinions? It would be most useful for making this a good book :)

Much thanks.

Once again-much thanks for the latest cherrypick!
I wouldn't worry about typos to much Jacobea, just get it written down in any way you can and worry about self disciplined edition later. I'm dyslexic, so everything i write has to be checked by some one who is good in that area. The best advice I can give you is to write the book until the end. Put it away for at least four weeks without reading a word of it and then do your first rewrite from start to finish. Then put it away again for another few weeks. Then print it off and sit down to read it as you would a novel by anyone else. If you like what you've read, and don't find anything glaringly obvious, at that point give it to someone else to read for honest critical feedback. Until that time your ideas are vulnerable to outside influences and might undermine where you intended going with the book.
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