Advice sought

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Advice sought

Hope this is right subforum...

I've been working on future plot ideas for one of the projects I'm working on. I've had an idea that I want to use but I've run into a snag.

The plot idea is as such. The primary antagonist uses a ritual or spell (not decided on which yet) to cause an alteration in reality. This alteration affects everyone and everything, including the protagonist. However only the antagonist is aware of the change.

My question is how would I portray this alteration. Ideally, it happens in the middle of the protagonists day as the change sweeps across the planet. In a visual medium, I can see quite clearly who it would be depicted. But in a literary medium I'm having trouble coming up with the right way to present it that doesn't involve completely confusing the reader or over explaining the situation (and the changes made in the "new reality")

Sounds like you're looking at some sort of time shift, in order to change the present go back to re-write the past. Or am I way off your idea?
re: sabital That's precisely the idea.
Am I right in thinking that this basic idea is similar to the plot of "The Day of the Triffids"? In any case it may be worth your while to have a look at that story line to see how it works.
If I remember right, Terry Pratchet did something very similar in Mort. You could read that and see if it gives you any ideas.


The easiest and simplest way to do this would be establish some things prior to the alteration (Dad dead, cat ginger) and show what normal is like. Then, post alteration have show what is different (Dad alive, cat purple). At no point fall into the trap of pointing out what has changed, just have your characters see it and react to it. Try 'The Gernsback Continuum' by William Gibson for a way of thinking about this. Or indeed a lot of stuff by Philip K. Dick. Cheers, Mark


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