Confronting the Danger of Art

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Confronting the Danger of Art

I'm currently collaborating with the artist Phil Cooper on a pamphlet of illustrated poems for Sidekick Books entitled Confronting the Danger of Art. This pamphlet will have the look and feel of government booklets produced in the 70s and early 80s, and will use the arguments put forward by Plato in Book X of The Republic to justify the government's suppression of art and artistic expression in the UK. Text and illustration is just about done, so next step is to get it ready for the printers.

:-) keep the updates coming, sounds good xxx


I envy your country's ability to deny artists the right to produce any manner of incendiary trash and dish it to the public. In the U.S. the First Amendment is considered sacrosanct by the crass and irresponsible. After all, censure violence and one would be necessitated to dump all the works of Shakespeare, as I so oft heard from the mouths of the enemies of censorship during the 1980's. We are somewhat protected from being abused personally by liars and cheaters by our protections against speech crime but artistic merit and sociatal impact are off limits as being open to interpretation, and no one can be certain of an intangible such as artistic value. Hitler could, we can't.


will do, thanks lenchen. interesting post, rendered.


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