Looking After A & E... (IP)
By Silver Spun Sand
- 4639 reads
Annie – since you arrived
you have taught us
to look at life differently.
To hear magic in the crackle
of the wrapping of a present –
the potential of an empty box
to become a car, a boat,
or even a train; to value these
more than gifts they contained...
And Eric – since you came
we never knew what pleasure
could be had from the rattle
of a bunch of keys...the treasure
lies inside a button-tin; worth
more than its weight in gold
for keeping you amused...
that washing-machines
can be kaleidoscopes of colour
as they whizz round and around
and how to speak the lingo
of a ladybird, or a lizard.
Made us recall how the absence
of just one person called ‘Mum’...
for just one minute, can be
catastrophic as a roof, crashing
round one’s ears and how her return
can bring a smile like the sun
coming up.
And how both of you, in a mere
eighteen months have transformed
two wizened OAPs...shattered
their complacency – made them thirst
again for surprises, adventure
and much more. Opened their eyes
by touching their lives
with yours.
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Lovely! capturing so much in
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It really doesn't take much
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Lovely depiction of
Parson Thru
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Tina, I'm so happy to have
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You are always so quick off
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Agree with all the above
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Silver Spun Sand.....How
Silver Spun Sand.....How absolutely beautiful ......children are the most wonderous inspirations
thank you for bringing it all back....
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