Problem getting into my ABCtales account!!

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Problem getting into my ABCtales account!!

Whenever I click on my account all I get is this message on my account page.


PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'drupal7_abctales.flag_content' doesn't exist: SELECT COUNT(fcid) FROM {flag_content} f JOIN {node} n ON f.content_id = n.nid WHERE f.fid IN (2,3,5,4) AND n.uid = :uid; Array ( [:uid] => 53908 ) in abctales_functions_get_flags() (line 67 of /var/www/sites/abctales/modules/custom/abctales_functions/abctales_functions.module

​This website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.


We are dealing with this as we speak. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

The admin


I can access my account just fine now. Thanks, admin. Sterling work.

It seems there is a new glitch in the system. After making a fresh login I discovered a comment on my writing that had been there almost a week. Unfortunately I didn't get notification, even though the settings called for that. At the moment, for some reason I'm classified a new member all over again, so contributions need to be moderated first -- even my reply to thank the member who'd commented! I've just published new writing and found the preview didn't work, but was able to publish live straight away. Rather odd!


Hi Jezz, although the glitch seems to have been ironed out now, comments from when it wasn't ironed out remain for us to discover for the time being - sorry about that!

As for being classified as a new member, I can see that you joined us on October 29th. You should have always been able to publish your work right from that day without any extra 'new member' restrictions, however we moderate comments and forum contributions for all new members for a certain amount of time and/or number of postings and I am guessing you just aren't quite there yet.

I'm not sure why your preview didn't work - could that possibly have been a glitch with your connection? Perhaps you could email if it happens again.

I hope that helps!