Poetry Monthly

It's been desolate on the Poetry Monthly front these last two months. I've confidence that creativity will be revived so I'm calling on members to have a crack at this month's brief and encourage writing peers to participate. If any of you have any fresh ideas for creating new poetry, please email me at raysmart@abctales.com well in advance of next month. I'm open to suggestions - a total re-vamp with new wig and heels in fact - but need to hear poetic voices at the table as this project depends on member participation.

We're off for a winter ale with Beowulf now courtesy of Canonette. 'A kenning is a highly-compressed metaphor originally used in Angle-Saxon and Norse poetry. In a kenning, an object is described with a two-word (compound) phrase, for example, 'whale-road' was used for 'sea' and 'battle-sweat' for 'blood.' Modern examples might incude 'book-worm', 'arm-candy' or 'four-eyes.' (www.literarydevices.com/kenning/)

Have a go at condensing imagery this way yourself to draft a poem as new-age or ancient as you like. Cheers, she says, raising a massive flagon full of amber stuff.

Thanks all,


Photo Credit: http://tinyurl.com/nlf6h8y