Posted by Insertponceyfrenchnamehere on Sun, 02 Jul 2017
Our Story and Poem for the Month of June, very kindly chosen by Simon Whitworth/Fatboy74:
For the story, London Calling's DUP letter is brilliant and I found the Hello Walls by Leroy Mockbee novel opening to be technically great. The story I have gone for is by Ice Rivers called Daddio and Beyond, the part where the toy soldiers are not afraid of death, because they understand they are not alive, but are afraid of being buried and then not found, won it for me. It's such a good piece of writing. There is a follow up piece by Ice Rivers to this which I was going to give as my first choice called My Backyard, which I think merits a mention.
I read quite a few really good poems by Rosa Cruz, and I think by sheer depth of quality she deserves the pick and I liked her poem Today Birdsong is Turned Up Loud the most, which is stream of consciousness, but done really well, clever, jam packed with wonderful images and memorable, in that don't realise you're still thinking about it, but you are way. She also wrote a really good poem, despite it being about two snails having it off on a window, which I can't remember the name of.
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