Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem of the Month for May has very kindly been chosen by Di_Hard:



All the gifted writers who posted their wonderful work this month have made choosing only one Story and Poem very difficult, but a great time reading! 


I would like to recommend all of Mark Burrow's intensely moving Breakdowns, in May particularly :


And a writer new to ABCTales, Aronovitz has started posting a haunting story set around the coming of the railways :


While Ewan's story about a future with AI is both believable and horrifying :


Celticman creates another memorable character with Malky Mukherjee, raising important points about othering in his powerful story :


Everyone who has read an update from Jeand's diary will have been filled with admiration for her resilience and humour - this is just one example :


Finally, the story of Allen in Alien Murmeration by Vincent Burgess is richly descriptive, sensitive, involving writing.

This part is Story of the Month :




From all the great poems this month, I have particularly enjoyed Jenny's gorgeous account of butterflies and bluebells :


While Rhiannon finds Nature's wonder in an unlikely place in her stunning poem :


And the brilliantly bizarre and endearing characters Jane Hyphen creates here will be unforgettable :


Marandina's latest poem, recalling a holiday to India, is packed with life, human and animal, and is one of my favourites so far by this writer. 

Ranthambore is Poem of the Month :


Well done to everyone mentioned. Great work! Humbled and honoured to be picked. Thank you, Di. Thank you, ABCTales. Paul :)